The family of three left Norfolk Island for Hobart Town in 1807 on HMS Porpoise and William received a grant of land at Sorell.

He remarried another First Fleeter in 1810, Jane MEECH, the widow of First Fleet convict William MOULTON, but she died in 1812.
His son William died in 1817, and he died at Sorell in 1835.
"There is no headstone to mark William Hambly's grave. He is recorded as the only First Fleeter to be buried at the old Graveyard on the edge of Pittwater at Sorell. It is said that many of the graves there were marked by wooden crosses and that these were lost in bushfires." [Trish Wood - the Convict and the Carpenter]
Hello Sally, I am very pleased to say we are related. William is my GGGGG Grandfather. He runs up the maternal side all the way to Elizabeth his daughter. Only found this out on Friday last. My daughter pulled up your site today, so here we are. You have done some great research. Cheryl
Hi, I was wondering if you knew where to get a copy of "The Convict and the Carpenter", would dearly love to have one. Cheryl
Hello Cheryl
Thank you for your comments. I contacted Trish Wood, who wrote "The Convict and the Carpenter" and it is no longer available for sale, so keep an eye out for a second hand one. I am interested in which line you fit in, as I have been in contact with various descendants over the years.
Hallo Sally, William and Mary are also my ancestors. My maternal Grandfather was born Charles Richardson, married twice. My Grandmother was Sissy Jane (Gillies) Richardson. Charles played fiddle. I have a photo somewhere of the whole family on the balcony of their house and Charles has the fiddle in his hand. My mom is in the photo aged about 8 yrs old, guess.
Cheers - Gilbert
Hello Gilbert
Thank you for your comment. Are you sure he was Charles? The Convict and the Carpenter says Frederick Edward (1861-1937), second son of Charles and Angelina, married Sarah Ann Crane, then Cissie Jane Gillie. There is a nice photo of him with his violin in the book, and one of six of their children and another of them on a cart.
Best wishes
Hi, I'm related to you all as well! It's a wholly female line back from my paternal grandmother, and we're in that book too. Kathleen Tyack was my great grandmother, Maureen my grandmother then Glen my father. He was only very young when the book was released...
I am an ancestor of the Hambley side. My side is through Joseph Dare. I would love any photo's of the early relatives. I also have a copy of the Convict and the Carpenter if anyone is interested.
We have just noticed you have a copy of The Convict & The Carpenter, is this available for sale if so we are interested.
Thank you
Hi my name is Danielle Brown and this book is part of our family tree i have been trying to get a copy of this book for a long time, would anyone have a second hand copy or know of where to get one, cheers Danielle.
Danielle Brown
Tasmania 7325
Hi Sally,
I'm an Elizabeth Hambly/John Duncombe descendant,through the line of their first child Sophia Duncombe.
I'm travelling to Hobart in July and plan to visit Sorell.I was wondering if you know where William Hambly and Elizabeth Hambly are buried as I would like to see their graves. I would also like to know where their land was.
Lois I would love to contact you regarding Hambly ancestors if you woul dlike to contact me at
Doreen Dare wrote a book - The family of James and Eliza Dare. Try the Tasmaniana library as they should have a copy. I have not seen it.
Hi Sally,
I am a descendant of William Hambly and Mary Springham through the Hambly/ Duncombe / Horton branch.My greatgrandmother was Alice Gill who married Herbert Morton. Since The Convict and the Carpenter was written, our family has has approx. 25 more descendants. If you would like info contact me on
Kaye Meyer ( Edwards)
Hi yet another relation has found your site. My name is Jessica Miller and my Grandma, Norma Manning just told me of the book the convict and the carpenter would dearly love to get this book. Our relation is Mary Springham and William Hambly. My daughter has a 1 and half year old and as far as I have been told that makes her a 10th generation Australian. So fascinated with all the history and would love to learn more so I can pass it on to the future generations. my contact E-mail is Thank you for your time Jess Miller
I have been told we go back to the Hambly family as well, via the Roberts family, My paternal Grandmother. Naturally I would dearly love to purchase a copy of Trish's book should one ever come available. My email address is
Kind Regards, Colina
Hello, my name is Joeshua and I'm interested in a copy of "The Convict and the Carpenter". I'm descended from William Hambly and Mary Springham through my 2x great grandmother Margaret Linda May Dare and through her father Charles William Dare then through his mother Susan Richardson, then through her mother, Mary Duncombe then through her mother, Elizabeth Hambly (daughter of William Hambly and Mary Springham)
Hi Sally, Charles Richardson is my great, great, great grandfather. My line is Henry Richardson and his Son, Cuthbert "Edgar" Elmer, Mervyn Richardson to my Father, Mervyn (jnr) I would be so pleased if anyone could send me photos or information regarding my lineage to
Kind regards
Lisa Mulder
I'm related to william hambly and of course Mary Springham. We found this out about 15 years ago. They are my Great x 5 grandparents. My gradfather ran it to dead ends doing research before the internet was invented. My aunt has a copy of the book "the convict and the carpenter". I have a photo of myself holding it. It's a real feather in your cap to be related to Mary and William. There is the first fleeters club. You have to prove your ancestory though! All the best.
Tony Foster (
My mother was a Hambly, her father was Henry Cecil Hambly. His father was Henry Anthony Hambly married to Annie Isabella Williamson his father was Thomas Hambly married to Mary wynne.
I do not have any family left that can help me go back any further. Would be very intered to find out if we are related to William Hambly. Does anyone know if I can get a copy of the book the Convict and the Carpenter
Hi Lorraine,
I don't think you are related. William Hambly jrn didn't have any children, however, Elizabeth did name two of her sons Hambly. George Hambly Duncombe born 1819 and Emmanuel Hambly Steers born 1834. I checked out BDM NSW and found out that your Thomas Hambly and Mary Wynne were married in Sydney in 1863. Then I found a birth in NSW of a Thomas Hambly in 1842. His parents were Thomas Hambly and Tamzian. I couldn't find another entry for the next Thomas Hambly in NSW, however, I guess he would have been born somewhere around 1820. Elizabeth Hambly didn't have a son Thomas. You might be interested to know that I googled Tamzian Hambly and an entry for her came up in I'm not a member so I couldn't see the entry. I hope this helps! Janice
Just some information about William Hambly from the Cornwall Parish Records. William was baptised on 18 May 1760 at St Clements, just outside Truro. His parents were Richard Hambly and Elizabeth Tristreal married 28 April 1751 at St Clements. He had five siblings, John baptised 20 Jan 1754, Richard 14 Dec 1755, Thomas 29 July 1758 died 22 Aug 1758, Elizabeth 6 May 1764 and Jane 31 August 1766.
Wowee goes to show nearly everyone is related cos i am too... can anybody please tell me whether or not william was aboriginal decent? There's a half cast in the book and It says name unknown, pretty keen on knowing more if anyone can help me please... Cassandra Brown (tasmania)
I'm very keen to follow this line of history. My father is William Ronald Hambly, son of another William Hambly. My father and his father ended up in South Africa. Does anybody know anything about this line of Hambly's?
Carole nee Hambly (Brisbane)
I believe I may also be related to George Hambly/Mary Springham although I'm unsure of how. My name is Len Richardson, I am the son of Clarence Richardson and the grandson of Archibald George Richardson. Any information on the family line would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Hello. My name is Len Richardson, I am the son of Clarence Richardson and grandson of Archibald George Richardson. I believe I am also related to William Hambly/Mary Springham although I'm not sure of how. Any information on the family line would be greatly appreciated. I can be contacted on Thank you.
I am a great great great great great grand daughter of Elizabeth and William! Love our family history. :)
I live on Norfolk Island, and do tour guiding for visitors on the islands history. The headstone, for Mary Springham who arrived on the island during the first settlement and died on island, has been used as a flooring stone in the kitchen of the civil surgeon which is a Second Settlement building. How and why this happened isunknown and the only example I know of.
I am also a descendant from this family and of aboriginal descent, please contact me on 0419630041. Robert Hine (tasmania).
Do you think there may have bern an aboriginal connection to her?
Hello all, another rellie here. I am ggggrandaughter of Henry and Sarah dare (phipps)
Through their daughter Edith clara whom had children with 2 webb brothers, Albert and john.
Wow ther must be 10000s of us
I am a descendant of Cleary, which I believe are in the book the convict and the carpenter.
To the people who have the book is the Bellett family name in it?
If anyone has any information please email me on below. Thankyou
Hi Cassandra. Did you find out who the half cast is I. The book? I can't get a copy to read.
What a great little find I just discovered. Hello family!
William and Mary are my 6th great grand-parents.
I am connected as follows:
Archie Tatnell - Gladys Quarrell - Edith Wiggins - Louisa Eaton - Lucy Duncombe - Elizabeth Hambly - William & Mary
Tracey (nee Tatnell)
Hello family of my best friend (for whom I'm doing this research)! I too would love to find a copy of The Carpenter and the Convict. She is directly related through both Alice and Adelaide Richardson, whose children Herbert and Florence married and produced Lea's father, Robert Frank Gillard. Anyone want to sell their copy (or lend it to me for copying??) - Many thanks, Susie.
I have been searching for some years for this book about my dad's family history (the Browns), & can't find it anywhere. Would someone out there have a copy they would like to sell please? Email is Thankyou.
My name is Clare Robertson.
I am listed on page 238 of the book in question.
you can text me questions
perservere please since I am being kept under surveillence and all my interactions with peoples are being controlled and sometimes sabotaged
Clare Robertson 0400669528
I may one of last generation listed within the book. I am the granddaughter of Charles Ephrain Richardson and Coral (Salter) Richardson. I'd love any photos and history.
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